Sunday, November 20, 2016

Install VirtualBox on Arch Linux

Using VirtualBox is something of a daily habit for me. Having the ability to quickly install a virtual machine to without any implications on my laptop is extremely helpful. I go through distros fairly quickly with Arch Linux being the newest trial. With that said, installing VirtualBox on Arch was somewhat of a necessity.

To install VirtualBox, grab the package from pacman with the following command:

sudo pacman -S virtaulbox

Then set the VirtualBox modules to load when Arch boots up by creating the file virtualbox.conf:

sudo nano /etc/modules-load.d/virtualbox.conf

The file did not exist on my install and the editor was blank add these lines:

Add the your user to vbox group so it can create, manage, and delete virtual machines in the program:

sudo gpasswd -a USER_NAME vboxusers

Finally, reboot and then launch VirtualBox and run virtual machines on your Arch Linux installation.